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Scarborough Local Food Group - link to home page

Newsletter November 2009:

North Yorkshire Moors Festival at Melton's Too Restaurant

Friday 6th to Thursday 19th November
The Festival celebrates produce from the North Yorkshire Moors and nearby surrounding area.

The meats include rare breed beef and pork form Taste Tradition at Cold Kirby and the free-grazing shearling from Hill Top Farm, Spaunton. The shearling takes on a very distinct flavour due to the heather and herbs that they graze on; such as bilberry, bog myrtle, bell and common heather.

Moorland streams feed the trout and cress produced at Yoadwath and Pickering. Our menus also include crab from Whitby and pumpkin from Kirkbymoorside.

View the full menus here: http://www.meltonstoo.co.uk/Menus.htm Select Menu Side 1 or 2 course lunch and early dinner options
Melton's Too
25 Walmgate, York, YO1 1TX. Tel: 01904 629222
Monday to Saturday 10.30am to Midnight
Sunday 10.30am to 11.00pm

Le Chat Noir Creperie - a message from Yann and Susie:

"Yann and Susie have recently found a buyer to take over Le chat noir and have now handed the business over to him. He is a young gentleman who is also very passionate about fresh, locally sourced food and he wants to continue the ethos and good reputation Le chat noir has held.

"We have been on the market to sell but presumed any sale would happen next year ­ with the market being as it is ­ however James Barlow made us an offer and we accepted.

"We apologise for the change and swiftness of our departure. We have had a wonderful experience running Le chat noir and we greatly appreciate your support throughout the last 3 years. It has been great to meet people such as yourselves and it’s all been an experience we will cherish, but now it’s time for us to move on.

"Thank you again for all your trade, support and friendship and we wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

"Kind regards,
Yann and Susie"

Dexter Beef Box Scheme

Broad Head Farm, Troutsdale, Scarborough, YO13 9PS
Tel: 01723 850 388

Broad Head Farm, tucked away deep in Troutsdale, produces Dexter beef raised traditionally and slowly on a small scale. Kathy and Steve Bushell are now offering a box scheme for those who wish to buy their top-quality meat directly from them on a regular basis. In return for your loyalty, they offer:

* Outstanding quality: slaughtered humanely and locally when fully mature at 24-30 months old, well marbled, and hung 'dry' for 24 days
* Full traceability: you get to know exactly where your meat comes from and know that the animals are fed almost entirely local grass, hay and straw
* Calves are raised in a traditional stable herd and kept with their mothers
* Conservation grazing of a fragile Site of Special Scientific Interest, safeguarding its precious flora and fauna, particularly many kinds of butterfly
* A “greener” way of eating beef; non-intensive, low input farming (pasture is permanent unimproved and most of the hay is grown without fertilizer in Harwood Dale), very low food-miles, minimum packaging.
For full full details and photgraphs, download their Dexter Beef Box Scheme leaftlet: http://www.scarboroughlocalfood.org.uk/DexterBeef_BroadHeadFarm.pdf

Sustainable Scarborough Food Group meeting

Tuesday 17th November at 7.30pm
The Green Planet, 4 Hanover Road (behind the Stephen Joseph Theatre) Informal discussion about how to support and improve sustainable food prodcuction and consumption in the Scarborough area. Everyone welcome.

Reasons to grow your own!

Here's an inspiring 10 minute video from the USA about how the Dervaes family has slowly transformed its ordinary city garden into a self-reliant urban homestead.

The Carbon Fields by Graham Harvey

In this book, Graham Harvey (agricultural storyline editor for The Archers) outlines the many advantages of raising animals on pasture and the disastrous consequences of feeding them with grain. He explains how returning agricultural land to grass would improve our food security, reduce flooding, improve animal welfare, enhance our health and - most surprisingly - mitigate the effects of climate change.

I found this book a fascinating and inspiring read. I've negotiated a special price of £4.50 for members of our local food group (RRP is £9.99). If you would like a copy, please email me before Wednesday 11th November.

Happy eating



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