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Scarborough Local Food Group - link to home page

Newsletter October 2006 - number 2

Le Chat Noir Crêperie - a new cafe in Scarborough

Yann and Susie, from Brittany and Hull respectively, have opened a new cafe on Eastborough and are devoted to local food. Here is a little more about their vision:

"We have carefully researched different farms and local producers and have experimented cooking various dishes containing these foods. Through the use of these small producers, from England and France, we are proud to help to preserve a part of the history and culture of both our countries.

We are also proud to have a healthy and well-balanced menu containing lots of vegetables and food cooked in olive oil.

We have tried to ensure as much as possible that our menus encourage the most natural ingredients, as, after all, we must be modest and admit that we cannot do better than nature itself!"

They have produced a six-page booklet about the cafe, crêpes which are their speciality, and the local producers who supply their ingredients. I would be very happy to send it, as an attachment, to anyone who would like to receive a copy, or better still, call in at the cafe, collect a copy and experience the cuisine.

The cafe is open during the day, 9.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and in the evenings 6 p.m. to 9.30 p.m.
It is at 10 Eastborough, near the Public Market. Telephone: 350653

Scarborough Borough Council's fairtrade and sustainable procurement policy

Scarborough Council have set up task group to ensure the implementation of their Sustainable Procurement Policy, . The Scarborough Local Food Group has been asked to act as advisors to the group. This is a marvellous opportunity to increase the amount of local food purchased and eaten in the area, which will reduce food miles and enviromentally damaging packaging, boost the local economy and create more jobs. A recent New Economics Foundation survey showed that £1 spent with a local supplier is worth £1.76 to the local economy and only 36 pence is spent out of the area. That makes £1 spend locally worth almost 400 per cent more.

If any members would like to come along to the meetings, please get in touch.


Organic flour grown and milled in North Yorkshire

Hill Top Farm at Spaunton is milling grain from its own organic farm and other organic farms within a 25-mile radius. The grain is ground with hand-built French "Aster" stone mills to produce wholemeal, unbleached white flour and superior white flour.
Telephone: 01751 417 799

Meeting in Ryedale to discuss local food

Members of the Scarborough Local Food Group have been invited to a meeting in Malton to discuss how to support and promote local food in Ryedale and further afield. The meeting has been called by Nick Coakley (Ryedale District Council's Environment Officer) and Josie Downs (who produced the first Ryedale Local Food Guide). The meeting will be held at Ryedale House, Malton, on the 31st October at 3 p.m. If anyone would like to attend, please do get in touch.

High Tide Magazine

A monthly magazine offering a guide to the best cultural, arts, sports and leisure events in Scarborough and beyond. It also includes reviews of pubs, bars, cafés and restaurants in and around Scarborough. One of the aims is to build up a comprehensive guide to good eating and drinking in Scarborough. Read High Tide online, or download the magazine as a pdf. Subscribe to the email service and receive details of forthcoming events each Thursday. www.hightidemagazine.com

Apple Day, 21st October

For inspiration about how to celebrate, visit Common Ground's Apple Day pages at www.commonground.org.uk/appleday/a-appleday.html, where there is also a listing of events happening around the country.

The flesh of Egremont Russet apples is smooth and creamy, with a nutty quality, and their skins are the colour of autumn leaves - dull green, flecked with gold and blushed with orange. They are at their best now and excellent eaten with Wensleydale or Swaldale cheese,

Or try this savoury recipe . . .

Leek and Russet Medley with Almonds
Slice 1lb of leeks into 1/2" chunks. Peel, core and slice 1lb of russet apples. Melt 2oz of butter in a heavy saucepan turn the apples and leeks in the butter for a few minutes until they are well coated. Season and sprinkle over a pinch of caraway seeds. Add 1/4 pt of vegetable stock, cover and cook gently for 10 minutes. Meanwhile lightly brown 2oz blanched, split almonds in 1oz melted butter. When serving, scatter the browned almonds over the apples and leeks.
(adapted from The Apple Source Book: Particular Recipes for Diverse Apples, published by Common Ground: ISBN 1870364104)

And remember Yorkshire Cider is now available!

Cider, made from apples from the North Yorkshire Moors, is now being brewed at Cropton. The apples are hand-picked from local farmhouse orchards by adults with learning disabilities as part of a social enterprise scheme supported by the North York Moors National Park Authority. Alex Smith has spent the past three years developing this medium dry, still cider. It is available both bottled and on draught. Yorkshire Cider can be purchased from delicatessens, farm shops, the brewery at Cropton and Wells Wine Cellar on St.Thomas Street in Scarborough.

Happy eating and reading!



Buy local – save local jobs

Every time a large supermarket opens, there is a net average loss of 276 retailing jobs within a 10-mile radius.

Buy local – save our community money

A typical out-of-town superstore causes £25,000 worth of congestion, pollution and associated damage to the local community every week. More >>>