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Scarborough Local Food Group - link to home page

Newsletter May 2007

GM spuds banished from Yorkshire

On 21st April more thanr 250 people from around the country (including members of Scarborough Local Food Group) attended a rally in Hull in a powerful and vibrant display of resistance to the reintroduction of GM crops to the UK.

On 14th May, the biotech company BASF announced that it will NOT be planting GM potatoes at Hedon this year. As a representative of Hedon Against GM said:

"This is brilliant news ­ this is what we campaigned for. We do not expect this to be the end of the story but it should give hope to other environmental groups and members of the public who see it is possible to make an impact by taking a stand."

Cider : rediscover an English treasure

Workshop at Le Chat Noir on Monday 4 June, 6 pm to 7.30 pm
Yann and Susie invite you to the sixth food and drink workshop, rediscovering a fantastic drink, sometimes spoiled but now on its way back: Cider.
Yann, an experienced French chef, who worked as production manager on a cider farm in Cornwall, will be happy to answer all your questions.
Samples of different ciders and apple juices will be available.

Read more about Yann's thoughts on English cider in High Tide magazine:

Booking essential, thank you.
Le Chat Noir, 10 Eastborough (near the indoor market) between 6 pm and 7.30 pm on the 4 June.
£2 fee per person.
Tel 01723 350653

Fairchild's Green Shop - now making deliveries and selling Side Oven Bakery bread

Fairchild's Green Shop are now offering a delivery service on Friday and Saturday mornings. Delivery using their LPG-powered van within the Scarborough town, Newby, Scalby, Falsgrave and South Cliff costs £1. Delvery to Seamer, Crossgates, Ayton, Eastfield Cayton, Hunmanby, Filey, Burniston and Cloughton costs £2. Orders over £50 delivered free.

Fairchild’s Green Shop sells organic fruit and vegetables, with as much as possible being sourced locally and seasonally. It also stocks a wide range of organic and/or fairly traded food, drinks, clothing and bedding, plus environmentally friendly household products.

Fairchild's now supply Side Oven Bakery organic bread to order. http://www.sideoven.com/

The shop is open from 9am to 5pm Tuesday to Saturday.

Fairchild’s Green Shop is at 35 Victoria Road, Scarborough (near The CheeseBoard).
Tel: 01723 381000

The current issue of Resurgence Magazine (May/June 2007 No. 242) includes some excellent articles about local food.

Local food communities create knowledge, wisdom and flavour.

FOOD FREEDOM - Vandana Shiva
Terminator technology is an instrument of food fascism.

A TASTE OF BRITAIN - Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
Saving ourselves from the tyranny of industrial mediocrity.

GOOD FOOD - Raymond Blanc
Industrial agriculture and climate change.

Everyone could be fed to the highest standards.

SIMPLE SOURDOUGH - Sophie Poklewski Koziell
Bread-making at The Village Bakery.

Inspiring children and families to cook together.

You can read some of these articles online at http://www.resurgence.org/contents/242.htm, and/or order a copy of the magazine.

Happy reading and eating


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