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Scarborough Local Food Group - link to home page

Newsletter February 2007

Cuisine and Terroir

Free workshop at Le Chat Noir on Monday 5 March, 6 pm to 7.30 pm
Sample foods and drinks will be available!
Looking at the origin and diversity of different cuisines around the world, helping people to understand the importance of preserving this knowledge and these riches. This is an opportunity to explore the influence of human and natural factors on the evolution of cuisine through the centuries - "terroir" in French.
We will discuss the importance of preserving the diversity of cuisine and the positive consequences for local producers, in England for example, as well as for the conservation of a part of English history.
Booking essential. Telephone: 01723 350653.
Le Chat Noir is open during the day, 9.30 am to 4 pm and in the evenings 6 pm to 9.30 pm
It is at 10 Eastborough, near the Public Market.

Seasons in Pickering has been bought by the owner of the White Swan and local "Ginger Pig" farmer

This very encouraging editorial from the Gazette & Herald (21 February 2007) explains it all.

A choice to shop local
Two enterprising local businessmen have come to the rescue of a prominent Pickering shop - to say nothing of its team of 10 staff - and their idea has struck a chord.Victor Buchananan, prominent local entpreneur, has joined forces with Tim Wilson, the Ginger Pig man who supplies the chattering classes of Marylebone and the foodies who swing by Borough Market with meat reared here in Ryedale, to transform Seasons delicatessen into a really useful grocer's shop, the like of which seemed doomed to become simply a scene at Beck Isle.

The pair pledge to replace the 'fancy goods' - tinned artichoke hearts and bottled peti pois - with quality basic provisions from cured meats to home baking.

They talk of creating an old fashioned shopping experience, but in fact they are chiming perfectly with the zeitgeist. Families want food they can track back to source, they want an ingredients list they don't need a degree in chemistry to understand and they want to know their food is wholesome and safe, and not harming the environment.

The people of Ryedale understand a great deal more than many about the damaging effects of food miles, of moving livestock unnecessarily, not to mention the deadly grip the mulinational superstores have on our farmers.

And if this enterprise gives shopppers the choice, and a chance to vote with their purses, it should be applauded.

[Editorial from the Gazette & Herald, 21 February 2007]

Yorkshire Champagne Rhubarb is in season

The beautiful elegant and tender bright pink stems of forced rhubarb have been in the greengrocers for a few weeks now. If you haven't had any yet this season, don't miss it. If you happen to have some of last summer's raspberries lurking in the freezer, try making this delicious compote. Cook the raspeberries with the rhubarb (1:2 ratio), along with the juice of an orange and sugar to taste.

You can listen the recent BBC Radio 4 Food Programme all about forced Yorkshire rhubarb here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/factual/foodprogramme_20070128.shtml or read about its history, growing techniques, the Wakefield Triangle and recipes here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/mostof_forcedrhubarb.shtmlWakefield

More local food in Scarborough

Scarborough Borough Council's Sustainability through Procurement Task Group will shortly be putting forward their recommendations, including sourcing and promoting local food. A report will be going to the Corporate Strategy Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 21 March.

Support your local community pub

New research from CAMRA has found that 56 pubs a month are closed permanently, 80 per cent of which are urban. The majority of these pubs are not high street chain bars or theme pubs, but community pubs, recognised by most people these days as important community amenities. The local pub, after all, is often the heart of the community.

CAMRA Chief Executive Mike Benner said: "Across the UK currently, a sword hangs over more than 1,300 pubs and falls on an average of 56 a month, depriving communities of a vital hub forever. We can't allow ourselves to be in a situation where communities across the UK are without the amenity of a public house. At a time when more and more amenities are being lost it is time for licensees, residents and local authorities to make a stand."

CAMRA members across the country have worked hard to promote pub-going in response to the growth in home drinking. Despite low supermarket prices, nothing can match the British pub for its service and atmosphere.

Sustainable Communities Bill Campaign Rally

The Scarborough Local Food Group supports the Sustainable Communities Bill which requires the Government to help reverse Ghost Town Britain (the decline of local economic activity, jobs, shops facilities and services) and promote the opposite (sustainable communities), but in ways driven by local councils and communities themselves, not by Whitehall.
There will be a rally, 7 pm to 9 pm on Monday 26 March 2007, at the Methodist Central Hall, Storey's Gate, Westminster, London. Find out more at http://www.localworks.org/ I also have print copies of the latest Local Works newsletter. Just let me know your postal address if you would like me to send you a copy.
Or, watch a You Tube Video in which Julia Goldsworthy MP talks about the Bill. Julia Goldsworthy MP and Liberal Democrat all party advisor for the Sustainable Communities Bill, explains why she is supporting this campaign and outlines how the Bill will help local communities. Follow this link

Happy eating


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Buy local – save local jobs

Every time a large supermarket opens, there is a net average loss of 276 retailing jobs within a 10-mile radius.

Buy local – save our community money

A typical out-of-town superstore causes £25,000 worth of congestion, pollution and associated damage to the local community every week. More >>>